DMP (Data Management Platforms)

What is DMP? & Why do we need DMP? DMPs are buyer-side platforms that allow advertisers and agencies to take control of their own first-party audience and campaign data, and compare it to third-party audience data, to make smarter media buying and campaign planning decisions. Using a DMP, advertisers and agencies can slice and diceContinueContinue reading “DMP (Data Management Platforms)”

Common Services Provided by SEM Agency

Search Engine Marketing (SEM), SEO, Link-building and several other associated services are offered in many Search Engine Marketing (SEM) agency. Building and discovering untapped potential of client’s website through SEO audit, SEO agency help customers by creating demand accessible, error free, and relevant web experiences. With Google increasingly looking at user engagement to rank variousContinueContinue reading “Common Services Provided by SEM Agency”